Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist, bestselling author, mental health and mind expert. Whether you are struggling in your personal life or simply want to learn how to understand and use your mind to live your best life, this podcast will provide you with practical tips and tools to help you take back control over your mental, emotional, and physical health

Saturday May 23, 2020
Saturday May 23, 2020
We all know that our hormones are important, but did you know that they can impact our mood and mental health as well? In this podcast, I spoke to Dr. Anna Cabeca, an OB-GYN, bestselling author and hormone expert, about the neuroendocrine system, how our hormones affect our mood and mental wellbeing, how the keto diet boosts brain energy and can help us lose weight and what our urine says about our stress levels.
Dr. Anna’s desire to help others was inspired by her own life story. After the traumatic death of her young son, Anna’s health started declining as she went through PTSD-induced early menopause. Even though she was a highly-qualified doctor who trained at one of the best schools in the country, she was at a loss: nothing was working, so she went around the world looking for answers.
During her healing journey, Dr. Anna began to realize the importance of lifestyle choices and habits, and the impact they have on our hormonal health and mental and physical wellbeing. She recognized the importance of a holistic mind and body approach to health, and now teaches others how they too can heal and live their best lives!
This podcast was made possible by our sponsor Kettle & Fire- my all time favorite bone broth company! To get 15% off your Kettle & Fire bone broth order see: Kettleandfire.com/drleaf or use code DRLEAF at checkout.
Podcast Time Stamps
4:20 Why Dr. Anna has always loved medicine, and how her own struggles inspired her to help others
8:20 The Hormone Fix, and how to deal with negative effects of perimenopause and menopause
13:31 Hormones and mental health: how are they connected and what you can do about it
20:09 Cortisol: the good, the bad and the ugly
22:01 Insulin resistance, hormonal imbalance and weight gain
32:22 What your urine pH says about your stress levels
36:07 What are bioidentical hormones and why are they important?
42:20 Is the keto diet good for our hormones?
Read the full show blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/is-a-hormonal-imbalance-making-you-moody-anxious-and-overweight-the-hormonal-problem-and-solution-with-dr-anna-cabeca-ob-gyn-and-hormone-expert
For more info on Dr. Anna and to get her books visit: https://drannacabeca.com
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 5/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
Fighting injustice and fighting for what you believe often sounds exciting, but it can come at a great cost. Yet the cost of being inauthentic, of denying who you are and what you believe in, is often greater, and can keep you in bondage, as I discuss in this week’s blog and podcast with speaker, NY Times best-selling author and top podcast host Jen Hatmaker. As Jen discusses in her amazing new book Fierce, Free and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Gloriously You, even though standing up for what you believe is right and embracing who you are and what you want in life can be challenging, the struggle is worth it. On the other side you will find beauty, fulfillment and true freedom.
This week's podcast is made possible by our sponsor BiOptimizers (my favorite supplement company)! BiOptimizers is giving away a FREE bottle of their patented proteolytic probiotic P3-OM until the end of this month. Go to www.p3om.com/leaffree. You will automatically get access to your unique coupon code to claim your free bottle. This is limited to one per household and this offer is only available at www.p3om.com/leaffree!
Podcast Time Stamps:
3:40 Why Jen believes women need to be free, and why we need to get over the “angry feminist” caricature
7:50 It is on us as women to say NO: we need to believe that we have agency and authority over our own lives
12:50 Why the patriarchy does a deep disservice to every man
13:50 How to discover the real you, and how this will help you find freedom!
17:28 How to deal with fear, pain and shame
23:00 Why you will know when you are not okay, and how you will feel your lack of peace in your body, in your mind, and in your life
26:29 We don’t need to be afraid of the truth, even hard truths
28:50 Jen’s story, and why belonging, success, and authority were not enough
31:39 How Jen dealt with the backlash, and why freedom is its own reward
36:38 How to be fierce, free and full of fire
For more info on Jen and to get her amazing new book visit: https://jenhatmaker.com
Read the show blog and transcript: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-protect-your-mental-health-when-fighting-injustices-and-standing-up-against-the-boy-s-club-tips-on-how-to-deal-with-the-loss-of-a-tribe-and-stability-with-jen-hatmaker
Additional Resources:
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Sunday May 17, 2020
Sunday May 17, 2020
Learning can be challenging, but did you know it can also be fun and empowering, taking you places you have never been before and helping you achieve your goals and dreams? In this podcast, I spoke with master brain coach, top podcast host and NY Times bestselling author Jim Kwik about how learning how to learn is one of the best things we can do for our mental and brain health, why our ability to use knowledge is our superpower, and how the brain is truly limitless, allowing us to be as intelligent as we want to be!
As a child, Jim suffered from several traumatic brain injuries, when affected his ability to perform in school. Eventually, his desperation led to his inspiration: Jim set out to understand how the brain and memory work, and how to learn how to learn. As he notes, this is something that is not often taught in schools, where we are given lots of knowledge to learn, but are not taught how to make the most of this knowledge. Indeed, many of us incorrectly assume that intelligence is something that we are either born with or not, that it is a “fixed” thing, and that is why some people do well and others fail.
Yet, as Jim has shown in his own life, which he describes in his incredible book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life, he went from being the “boy with the broken brain” to a world-renowned memory champion and brain coach who has developed a reliable and scientifically sound set of tools to enhance memory formation and learning. He now teaches his techniques to others with astonishing results, and is an in-demand speaker, a brain coach for celebrities and CEOs, the head of a large online learning program, and the host of a podcast with tens of millions of listeners!
Special offers from our show sponsors:
-Thrive Market (the best site for healthy, organic and affordable groceries and beauty products!): Join today and you’ll get up to twenty dollars in shopping credit toward your first order at thrivemarket.com/drleaf.
-BLUblox (the best glasses to reduce your exposure to harmful blue and green light!): To get 15% off your BLUblox glasses use the code LEAF15 at checkout: https://www.blublox.com
Podcast Time Stamps
2:48 How Jim’s inspiration was his desperation, and what he did to overcome his traumatic brain injuries
12:00 Why intelligence is not fixed
16:00 The 7 main lies we believe about the brain, and how to overcome them
24:32 The question is not how smart you are, but how are you smart?
28:10 Why our mistakes are not our failures
36:00 Genius is built, not born, and why intelligence takes hard work, determination and practice
39:00 The power of mindsets, motivation and methods, and how they can make you limitless
59:04 The fun ancient Greek memorization technique that can help you remember anything!
Read the show blog and transcript here:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-learn-faster-memorize-anything-and-upgrade-your-brain-to-become-limitless-with-top-brain-coach-jim-kwik
For more info on Jim and to get his book visit: LimitlessBook.com
And follow Jim on social media: @JimKwik and FB is @JimKwikOfficial
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 5/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
We all know fiber is good for us, but did you also know that it can help with your mental health? In this week’s blog and podcast, I speak with GI specialist and epidemiologist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz about how a high-fiber diet can help boost mental and brain health, heal food sensitivities and reduce inflammation in the brain and body!
In his amazing new book, Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome, Dr. B notes how even though he was very successful as a medical doctor, his processed food diet was making him miserable, tired and anxious. When he met his wife, he began to understand how real, healthy whole foods could transform his life, which led him on the path he is on today: meeting people where they are in their journey and helping them live their best and healthiest lives. As Dr. B points out, although the current healthcare system is really good at treating acute illnesses, it falls short when it comes to preventative medicine and chronic health issues.
Indeed, as a medical doctor with multiple qualifications, he was taught little about the impact lifestyle choices such as diet and exercise could impact our mental and physical health! Thankfully, times are changing, especially as more and more research is being published on the importance of our lifestyle choices. We now know that pills and procedures are not everything; around 20% of diseases are genetic, which means 80% are related to our diet and lifestyle. This is great news! It means that our health is largely in our hands, which very empowering.
Podcast Time Stamps:
6:25 What transformed Dr. B’s life, and why he loves helping people regain their health and live their best life
18:02 What is the difference between disease prevention and disease management?
24:29 The gut-brain connection, and why your gut should be your brain’s best friend
30:22 The gut is an endocrine organ, as much as the ovaries and testes are
30:50 The gut produces post-biotics, which happens when you combine prebiotics and probiotics
37:00 What is the one golden rule when it comes to eating?
43:50 Is meat okay to eat?
48:22 Food sensitivities and what you can do about them
55:00 How fiber-rich diets can prevent heart disease
57:20 Why diet is not everything
1:00:00 Current health trends to be excited about and health trends to avoid
1:02:02 What if you live in a food desert?
For more info on Dr. Will and to get his new book visit: https://theplantfedgut.com
And follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theguthealthmd/
Read the full episode blog and transcript here:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-fiber-can-improve-your-mental-and-brain-health-tips-on-boosting-gut-health-and-overcoming-food-sensitivities-with-gi-specialist-dr-will-bulsiewicz
This episode was made possible by the following sponsors:
-Blinkist (my favorite reading app): To get your free week on Blinkist AND 25% off your subscription see: https://www.blinkist.com/nc/partners/cleaning-up-the-mental-mess
-NOOM (the best healthy habit company): For your NOOM special offer see: https://noom.com/drleaf
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 5/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Science is science, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case, especially when it comes to women’s health. Our understanding of the human brain and body has been clouded by years of gender bias—for decades many scientists and doctors have assumed that men and women are really the same, except for the bits and bobs that can be covered by a bikini. Yet, as this podcast guest and renowned researcher Dr. Lisa Mosconi points out, this kind of “bikini science” has dramatic implications for women’s mental and physical health that go beyond our reproductive organs, affecting every part of the brain and body.
Dr. Lisa Mosconi, PhD, is the Director of the Women’s Brain Initiative and Associate Director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College (WCMC)/NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, where she serves as an Associate Professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and Radiology. She is also an adjunct faculty member at the Department of Psychiatry at New York University (NYU) School of Medicine, and at the Department of Nutrition at NYU Steinhardt School of Nutrition and Public Health. Dr. Mosconi holds a PhD degree in Neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine, and is a certified Integrative Nutritionist and holistic healthcare practitioner.
Her expertise lies in examining the way gender impacts the health of the brain and body, and in overcoming the massive gender gap in the world of medicine. As she describes in her amazing book, The XX Brain, since the time of Darwin there was a long-held assumption that women’s brains are inferior because they are smaller, but women are generally smaller than men, which was not taken into account for decades, and still persists subconsciously in many areas of medicine and neuroscience.
Podcast Time Stamps
3:10 Why Lisa wanted to be a scientist and study the human mind and brain
9:22 Why Alzheimer’s is not just a result of genetic mutations and old age
12:12 The difference between early onset and late onset dementia
14:56 Why you should be careful of taking genetic tests like 23 & me
21:26 Why most research is done on men and the disaster at the heart of medicine
32:54 The communication between the female brain and the female reproductive system, and why our hormones are crucial for brain health
40:11 The brain in middle-aged women, and how menopause can contribute to cognitive decline
47:25 How you as a woman can take back your health and prevent memory loss!
59:00 How chronic stress impacts our hormones and brain health
1:07:25 The power of the X gene, and why women have more genes than men
For more info on Dr. Lisa Mosconi and to get her book visit: https://www.lisamosconi.com
Read the show blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/why-is-depression-anxiety-and-alzheimer-s-more-common-in-women-how-to-protect-women-s-brains-from-aging-and-disease-with-dr-lisa-mosconi
This podcast was made possible by our sponsor ThirdLove:
Comfortable bras are so hard to find, which is why I am a big fan of ThirdLove! They are a company dedicated to helping women around the world look great and feel confident in their bodies, and have donated over $18 million worth of bras to women around the world!
To get 15% off your ThirdLove order see: thirdlove/drleaf
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 5/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
For many of us, trauma is something with a capital “T”, a big event or situation, such as a car accident or pandemic, that impacts us in dramatic and unforeseen ways. Yet, as I discuss in this week’s blog and podcast with licensed clinical social worker and therapist Alyssa Mancao, trauma with a lowercase “t” is something many people have to deal with on a daily basis. This kind of trauma, institutional or otherwise, is often normalised and suppressed, which can have a lasting impact on someone’s mental and physical health, compelling them to fight for survival in the face of persistent stressors in their environment.
Thankfully, as Alyssa has seen in her social work and her private practice, many people, given the right help, can and do recover from trauma and learn how to reconnect to themselves and their communities in deep and meaningful ways. How? Alyssa focuses on bringing back the human element in therapy, going beyond evidence-based practices and focusing on the individual’s unique story and experiences. She recognizes that many of the people she works with are dealing with little traumas like bullying and failed relationships on a daily basis, and that their mental and physical symptoms are a function of survival.
Podcast Time Stamps
4:15 How Alyssa’s clients gave her hope, and the power of human resilience
5:46 What Alyssa thinks about evidence-based therapy and why she started her own therapy practice
9:33 The difference between little traumas and big Trauma
14:41 What is EMDR therapy and can it help you?
25:33 What is the “inner child” and how do you heal childhood wounds?
33:29 Should we forgive those who have hurt us?
36:15 Why being told you are a sinner is bad for your mental health
37:48 The difference between shame and guilt, and how to overcome them
41:55 When is it time to end a friendship?
49:00 You have everything you need in you to heal yourself!
Read the podcast blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-heal-from-trauma-signs-of-secondary-trauma-and-how-emdr-can-help-with-trauma-recovery-and-ptsd-with-therapist-and-trauma-expert-alyssa-mancao
For more info on Alyssa and to contact here visit her website: www.alyssamariewellness.com
-Feals CBD (the best CBD out there!): To get 50% off your Feals CBD order and free shipping see https://feals.com/drleaf. Have questions about CBD? Feals has a free hotline and text message support to help guide your personal experience!
-BiOptimizers (my favorite supplement company): BiOptimizers is giving away a free bottle of their patented proteolytic probiotic P3-OM until the end of this month. Go to www.p3om.com/leaffree. You will automatically get access to your unique coupon code to claim your free bottle. This is limited to one per household and this offer is only available at www.p3om.com/leaffree!

Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
We know that our gut affects our mental health, but did you know that the fungi in our gut is especially important when it comes to our mental and physical wellbeing? In this podcast, I discuss how to identify fungal issues in the gut, how gut fungi can affect our mood and mental health, and simple changes we can all make to heal the gut microbiome with Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum.
Dr. Mahmoud Ghannoum is one of the world’s leading microbiome researchers and the scientist who named the mycobiome, our body’s fungal community. He lectures at many institutions globally, including the National Institutes of Health, on the microbiome and his breakthrough research on probiotics. He’s published over 400 papers on his research and has been cited over 20,000 times by other scientists!
This episode is made possible by our sponsors:
Kettle & Fire (the most delicious bone broths): To get 15% off your Kettle & Fire bone broth order see: Kettleandfire.com/drleaf or use code DRLEAF at checkout.
KiwiCo (the best way to keep your children busy): Get YOUR FIRST MONTH FREE on select crates at kiwico.com/DRLEAF.
Podcast Time Stamps
4:30 How Dr. Ghannoum became the first scientist to name the mycobiome, our body’s fungal community
5:48 The difference between the gut microbiome and the mycobiome
9:00 Why we shouldn’t be afraid of fungus!
11:20 The gut is a mini-world: there are bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and so much more living in our tummies, which is what we need to take a big-picture approach to gut health
12:07 How is fungi different to bacteria?
19:19 How the fungi in our gut can affect our mental health and contribute to neurological diseases like autism
25:05 The gut-brain axis
31:21 What measures we can take to heal the mycobiome and the gut-brain connection
34:40 How do you know if you have a gut imbalance?
39:30 Why we need to change our lifestyle, not just our diet!
42:15 Why moderation is the most important way to eat food
45:18 How the mycobiome diet is different to other diets
51:32 Should we be taking prebiotics and probiotics?
54:27 Medications that affect our microbiome
56:42 Current health and wellness trends
Read the podcast blog and transcript here:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-the-fungi-in-your-gut-can-affect-your-mental-health-simple-tips-on-how-to-heal-your-gut-microbiome-with-dr-ghannoum
For more info on Dr. Ghannoum and to get his book visit: https://drmicrobiome.com/
Follow him on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dr.microbiome/
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Harvard professor David Sinclair believes that not only can we slow aging down, we can actually reverse it. In this episode, David Sinclair explains the three levels of aging, and what can be done on each level. He describes the lifestyle changes that slow aging down, the drug treatments that begin to stop aging, and experimental new procedures that may actually reverse aging once they are fully developed.
David, who has spent decades researching longevity and ageing notes how 80% of how we age is up to us. Although many of us view ageing means a decline in function over time leading to disease and death, we don’t just have to accept that as we get old we will get sick!
Podcast Time Stamps
1:50 Why David does what he does
3:54 Is aging a disease? And what can we do about this?
8:13 Why 80% of health in old age is up to you
10:13 How we can change our epigenome
23:07 How David’s father uses his son’s research
26:00 The current pandemic
36:20 Covid-19 treatments
39:20: How David overcame major life setbacks like rejection and homelessness!
To connect with David and get his book visit: https://lifespanbook.com/
Read the episode blog and show notes: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-influence-and-control-your-genetic-expression-why-we-age-and-how-to-reverse-the-process-interview-with-harvard-researcher-david-sinclair
This episode is made possible by our sponsors:
-Blinkist (my favorite reading app and perfect for distracting you while you work out!): To get your free week on Blinkist AND 25% off your subscription see: https://www.blinkist.com/nc/partners/cleaning-up-the-mental-mess
-Rothys (my new favorite shoe company and they make great gifts!): Check out all the amazing Rothys styles available right now at: https://Rothys.com/drleaf
-Ritual (my favorite multivitamins!): To get 10% off your first three months of Ritual multivitamins see: https://ritual.com/drleaf
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Yes, we are in the midst of a global crisis. For many people, life is incredibly challenging right now. It is easy to lose hope, and fear what will happen in the future. But did you know that you can also use this time to grow as a person, learn how to make the most of living in the moment and discover the opportunities that present themselves?
It is often the case in life that something good is birthed out of something bad. Crises can be watershed moments, compelling us to get out of our comfort zone, teaching us to embrace our fears and helping us make the most of living in the moment, as I discuss in this podcast with leadership expert and best-selling author John Maxwell. Even though events like the current COVID-19 pandemic can disrupt our schedules and plans, we can still find clarity in the present, and make the most of the only time we know we have: right now.
Podcast Time Stamps
7:29 Why leaders have to lead differently in times of crisis
9:00 The power of living in the moment
14:10 The scientific value of living in the moment
16:30 If we prepare today, we don’t have to repair tomorrow
21:00 How to use fear to your advantage
29:22 The cycle of success
42:29 Uncertainty as an opportunity
46:30 The secret power of creativity
Read the podcast blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/interview-with-john-maxwell-on-the-neuroscience-of-leadership-tips-on-how-to-lead-during-a-crisis-and-why-we-need-to-fail-more
Fore more info on John and to get his books visit: www.johnmaxwell.com
And follow John on social media:
JohnCMaxwell – Twitter
johncmaxwell – Instagram
JohnCMaxwell – Facebook
Additional Resources:
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
Wednesday Apr 22, 2020
I am sure you have seen the joke floating around social media about “finishing” Netflix. Truth is, many people suddenly have a lot more time on their hands, and are not quite sure what to do or how to make their most of their self-quarantine. While I am not supportive of making this pandemic a productivity contest, I do believe there are ways we can use our timely wisely which will help reduce anxiety and stress! It's vital to remember that productivity does not determine your worth BUT it is helpful to know how to do productivity well so it becomes a good habit.
In this podcast, I talk about how to make staying at home more productive, how to get more things done in less time, and how to organize your commitments and make the most of your life with world-renown productivity expert David Allen.
This episode was recorded before the crisis and quarantine but the lessons and tips are so relevant for now.
Podcast Time Stamps
2:38 How David stays on top of his game
6:15 What is the greatest barrier to productivity?
8:45 How to get things done
16:30 How to stop being a victim
19:00 The most productive people are the people with the “emptiest” heads.
20:25 The Truth About Procrastination
24:41 How to be more creative and innovative
26:16 5 steps to getting things done
29:00 How do we balance our schedules?
38:00 Capture those ideas!
40:05 Why we need to chill
For more info on David visit his website: www.gettingthingsdone.com
And follow him on social media:
Twitter: gtdguy
Instagram: dallen45
Read the full blog on this episode: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-hack-your-mind-to-be-more-productive-during-quarantine-tips-on-how-to-get-more-things-done-in-less-time-with-productivity-expert-david-allen
Special offers from our sponsors:
-Kettle & Fire (the most delicious bone broths): To get 15% off your Kettle & Fire bone broth order see: Kettleandfire.com/drleaf or use code DRLEAF at checkout.
-BiOptimizers (my favorite supplement company) P3-OM Probiotics Special Offer: Get 10% off from the normal package price with coupon code DRLEAF10: http://www.p3om.com/drleaf
Additional resources:
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com