Dr. Caroline Leaf is a cognitive neuroscientist, bestselling author, mental health and mind expert. Whether you are struggling in your personal life or simply want to learn how to understand and use your mind to live your best life, this podcast will provide you with practical tips and tools to help you take back control over your mental, emotional, and physical health

Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Relationships can be challenging at the best of times, but what do you do when you are stuck in self-quarantine with a difficult person? How do you set boundaries and deal with challenging roommates, partners or family members? In this podcast, I talk about what we can do if it is not safe to go outdoors or stay inside, how to set firm boundaries during this period of self-quarantine and how to navigate difficult relationships with relationship therapist and clinical social worker Nedra Tawwab.
Podcast Time Stamps
1:50 Why Nedra loves helps helping people create healthy relationships
2:32 What happens if there is a toxic environment at home?
3:50 If you are uncomfortable at home, set boundaries!
5:33 What do you do if your relationship was in trouble before the crisis?
7:00 How to handle emotional or verbal abuse?
10:55 Triggers are indicators that boundaries need to be put in place.
15:18 What if the people you live with don’t respect boundaries?
16:52 Living with someone who doesn’t respect the quarantine
19:26 What if your home is not safe?
20:35 What if you feel isolated and lonely?
23:39 Advice for parents at home
27:05 What to do if you are feeling hopeless or depressed?
31:05 Harry, Meghan and finding freedom from your family
Read the podcast blog and transcript here:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/what-to-do-when-neither-outside-or-inside-the-home-is-safe-during-the-covid-19-crisis-span-tips-on-setting-boundaries-during-quarantine-and-how-to-navigate-difficult-relationships-with-therapist-nedra-tawwab-span
For more info on Nedra visit her website here: www.nedratawwab.com
And follow her on instagram here: @nedratawwab
Special offers from our sponsors:
-ThirdLove Bras (the most comfortable bras): To get 15% off your ThirdLove Bra order see: https://thirdlove.com/drleaf
-Liquid I.V Electrolytes (great for hydration): Get 25% off with code DRLEAF at checkout https://liquid-iv.com
Additional resources:
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Thursday Apr 16, 2020
Thursday Apr 16, 2020
It is widely understood that the mind-body connection is important, but did you know that it has the power to change your life? In this podcast (one of my personal favorites!) I speak to the incredible “Iceman” Wim Hof about the incredible capacity we all have to control our thinking and change our biology, overcome toxic stress and stay strong amidst major crises like the current pandemic.
Wim Hof got his nickname by breaking a number of records related to cold exposure. His feats include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in shorts, running a half marathon above the Arctic Circle on his bare feet, and standing in a container while covered with ice cubes for more than 112 minutes! Having embraced the majestic force of nature, Wim became convinced that everyone can tap into this potential without having to invest the same decades worth of study, travel and daring, so he developed the Wim Hof Method: a natural path to an optimal state of body and mind.
Podcast Highlights & Time Stamps
6:20 Why we are easily overcome with fear and stress
9:10 Why we have got so lazy with our thinking.
10:13 Wim’s incredible story
16:00 We can make our brains bodies happier, healthier and stronger through our mind.
20:30 How did Wim Hof develop his method?
24:31 Tips to deal with crises like COVID-19 2
7:45 What is the Wim Hof method?
46:34 Finding peace in the eye of the storm
50:00 How to heal a broken heart
55:00 The “super brain” study
1:05:00 The power of mind management
1:11:25 Nature or nurture?
Read the podcast blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/interview-with-wim-hof-on-how-to-train-your-mind-to-overcome-any-challenge-the-amazing-benefits-of-cold-showers-amp-how-to-use-your-breathe-to-reduce-anxiety-and-stress
Wim's website: www.wimhofmethod.com
Get access to Wim's Fundamental Course at a discount here: https://www.wimhofmethod.com/elearning/fundamentals
The Science of Wim Hof method: www.wimhofmethod.com/science
Special offers from this week's sponsor:
-Blinkist (my favorite reading app!): To get your free week on Blinkist AND 25% off your subscription see: https://www.blinkist.com/nc/partners/cleaning-up-the-mental-mess
Additional Resources:
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
We all know we should try our best and strive for excellence in everything we do, but what happens when this desire to do well turns toxic? In this podcast, I speak to clinical psychologist Dr. Margaret Rutherford about how perfectionism can be another manifestation of depression, what to do when our desire to succeed becomes destructive, why we need to learn, rather than fear, our failures and useful techniques to overcome perfectionist tendencies.
In her new book, Perfectly-Hidden Depression, Margaret notes how many perfectionists often don’t acknowledge or know that they are depressed, or that their desire to succeed in every area of their lives is a coping strategy to deal with past hurts and trauma. Many do not have what are considered “normal” traits of depression, that is feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Indeed, in a number of cases they do not know how to express uncomfortable or painful feelings and emotions, and tend to talk about what they have gone through in a very detached way.
This type of perfectionism is different from striving for excellence, which is more process-orientated and encourages you to learn from your mistakes. Perfectly-hidden depression, on the other hand, is fueled by fear and shame. Toxic perfectionism tends to be goal-orientated, and sees failure as a sign of worthlessness, which puts intense pressure on someone’s performance, compelling them to constantly do better and hide their mistakes.
Read the full episode blog and transcript here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-perfectionism-can-lead-to-depression-and-anxiety-tips-on-how-to-stop-the-toxic-perfectionism-cycle-interview-with-psychologist-dr-margaret-rutherford
Podcast Highlights:
1:58 What is perfectly hidden depression?
7:25 The role of the therapist is not to fix people
10:49 What is perfectionism?
17:34, 27:20 Ten main traits of perfectly-hidden depression
19:36: How is this different from other forms of depression
38:00 The first step to healing is acknowledging that there is a problem
42:01 Tips and techniques to deal with perfectionism
40:05 Helping child or teen battling with perfectly-hidden depression
52:10 Social media and perfectionism
For more info on Dr. Margaret and to get her book visit: https://drmargaretrutherford.com
Listen to her amazing podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/selfwork-dr-margaret-rutherford-self-help-mental-health/id1166015598
Special offers from this week's sponsors:
-NOOM (the best healthy habit company): For your NOOM special offer see: noom.com/DRLEAF
-SEED (my favorite probiotic company): Visit https://seed.com and use code MENTALMESS for 15% off your first month of the Daily Synbiotic
Additional Resources:
-Get my new brain detox app SWITCH on sale now! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com
Join my Peace During the Pandemic Challenge! All you have to do is download my brain detox app SWITCH and work through the 21 day program in the app! A 3 month subscription is on sale now for less 50%. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
Despite the necessity of social distancing, we believe we can still come together as a community and be supportive, loving, and caring through technology, which is why we have also created a Facebook support group. This is a group for everyone-a place to post prayer requests, questions, concerns, updates, encouragement, needs and so on. We are in this together! Join my Coronavirus Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1870578619744226/?ref=share&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJsZWFmLmplc3NpY2FAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiS3FnSDlkIn0%3D

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Life expectancy and living well seems to be on everyone’s minds these days, but did you know that around 85% of our longevity is based on our lifestyle choices and environment? In this week’s blog and podcast, I spoke with NYT Bestselling author, explorer, National Geographic Fellow, award-winning journalist and producer Dan Buettner about the world’s healthiest and longest living communities (known as the blue zones), the power of purpose, how healthy eating is affordable and how you too can live to be a 100!
Podcast Highlights & Time Stamps
-3:17 What are the blue zones?
-4:45 How does a blue zone diet help with mental health?
-5:50 The most common denominators of longevity
-9:00 What’s wrong with the self-help industry?
-13:20 How to make the healthiest decision the easiest decision
-14:14 The power of purpose
-17:14 The power of downshifting
-20:57 Why there is no magic bullet that will help you live longer
-24:20 Is eating healthy really more expensive?
-28:08 How to turn your city into a blue zone
Podcast transcript and blog:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/critical-life-lessons-from-the-world-s-healthiest-and-longest-living-communities-tips-on-how-to-exercise-eat-and-manage-your-mind-to-boost-your-immune-system-and-live-a-long-amp-healthy-life-with-dan-buettner
-For more info on Dan and the Blue Zones visit: https://www.bluezones.com
-And follow him on social media: @bluezones
-Order his new book The Blue Zone Kitchen :https://www.bluezones.com/blue-zones-kitchen
Special offers from our sponsors:
-Feals CBD (the best CBD out there!): To get 50% off your Feals CBD order see https://feals.com/drleaf. Have questions about CBD? Feals has a free hotline and text message support to help guide your personal experience!
-BLUblox (the best glasses to reduce your exposure to harmful blue and green light): To get 15% off your BLUblox glasses use the code LEAF15 at checkout: https://www.blublox.com
Join my Peace During the Pandemic Challenge! All you have to do is download my brain detox app SWITCH and work through the 21 day program in the app! A 3 month subscription is on sale now for less 50%. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
Despite the necessity of social distancing, we believe we can still come together as a community and be supportive, loving, and caring through technology, which is why we have also created a Facebook support group. This is a group for everyone-a place to post prayer requests, questions, concerns, updates, encouragement, needs and so on. We are in this together! Join my Coronavirus Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1870578619744226/?ref=share&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJsZWFmLmplc3NpY2FAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiS3FnSDlkIn0%3D
Additional resources:
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Sunday Apr 05, 2020
Sunday Apr 05, 2020
In this podcast I answer some of the questions you have sent in regarding handling COVID-19 anxiety, and coping with social distancing and staying at home. I want to try to help you as much as I can, giving you tools to help you manage your mind in this crisis and stay strong, mentally and physically.
Read the podcast blog and transcript here:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/how-to-deal-with-the-pain-of-uncertainty-and-insecurity-during-the-current-crisis-more-tips-and-mental-health-strategies-to-help-you-find-peace-during-the-pandemic
Podcast Time Highlights: 02:26 How to talk to your children about the current crisis 08:37 How to handle angry outbreaks from your children 14:23 What if you know someone who has COVID-19? 20:26 How do I deal with social distancing and loneliness? 28:00 How do you not let anxiety ruin your sleep? 32:00 What if you feel guilty leaving your child in care while you work? 34:52 What to do if you are struggling to concentrate or sleep 38:17 How to speak to a teenager or young adult about the current crisis? 41:04 How do you deal with constant change? 45:06 How do you deal with “should have” or “could have” thoughts during the pandemic? 47:48 How can you manage fear of the virus? 51:00 How to not let your anxiety get the better of you 52:22 How to deal with rude neighbors 53:10 How do you manage a severe fight/flight response? 56:30 How do you handle feeling out of control?
Join my Peace During the Pandemic Challenge! All you have to do is download my brain detox app SWITCH and work through the 21 day program in the app! A 3 month subscription is on sale now for less 50%. Just look for Switch on Your Brain in the App Store or Google Play or visit: https://theswitch.app
Despite the necessity of social distancing, we believe we can still come together as a community and be supportive, loving, and caring through technology, which is why we have also created a Facebook support group. This is a group for everyone-a place to post prayer requests, questions, concerns, updates, encouragement, needs and so on. We are in this together! Join my Coronavirus Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1870578619744226/?ref=share&_ke=eyJrbF9lbWFpbCI6ICJsZWFmLmplc3NpY2FAZ21haWwuY29tIiwgImtsX2NvbXBhbnlfaWQiOiAiS3FnSDlkIn0%3D
Additional resources:
-Get any of my books, DVDs, and workbooks for less 25% with code DRLEAF at checkout: https://drleaf.com/collections/all
-Join my text group for more tips, notifications of sales, and more! Just text DRLEAF to 80519 -
-Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
-Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Special offers from our sponsors:
-BiOptimizers P3OM: Get 10% off your order with code DRLEAF10. Just go to: http://www.p3om.com/drleaf
-ThirdLove Bras (the most comfortable bras): To get 15% off your ThirdLove Bra order see: https://thirdlove.com/drleaf
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Therapy is something that many people are either ashamed about or joke about. Yet the need to speak to someone about what is going on in your life is neither shameful or funny. For many people, therapy is something that helps them deal with the vagaries of modern life, and may even be a matter of life or death.
In this episode I speak with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, a licensed psychologist, world-renown speaker and host of the popular podcast Therapy for Black Girls on why we should all see someone, how to find the right therapist, how to get access if money and location is an issue, how to navigate the stigma of therapy, and more. Dr. Joy also shares some great tips on how to protect your mental health when faced with racism and discrimination.
Podcast Time Stamps
-2:11 Why Dr. Joy chose therapy over teaching
-5:30 Why many people fear therapy
-12:02 Why therapy is about helping you, not helping the therapist
-14:21 We are all “crazy”
-16:04 How to find the perfect therapist
-20:05 What if you can’t afford a therapist?
-21:31 Discrimination, racism and mental health
-27:43, 33:45 Dealing with toxic environments
-31:57 Phobias
-40:30 Rejection
-44:00 Toxic energy and what to do about it
-49:00 Wellness trends to be careful of
Read the full show blog and transcript:https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/why-everyone-should-see-a-therapist-how-to-find-a-good-match-and-options-if-money-and-location-is-an-issue-tips-on-managing-your-mental-health-when-dealing-with-racism-and-discrimination-with-therapist-dr-joy-harden-bradford
For more info on Dr. Joy and to listen to her podcast visit: https://therapyforblackgirls.com
Special offers from our sponsors:
-Blinkist (my favorite reading app): To get your free week on Blinkist AND 25% off your subscription see: https://www.blinkist.com/nc/partners/cleaning-up-the-mental-mess
-BetterHelp (the best online counseling app): To get 10% off BetterHelp counseling during your first month see: trybetterhelp.com/drleaf
Additional Resources:
Get my new 21 day brain detox program here ON SALE NOW! Get 50% off a 3 month subscription: https://theswitch.app
Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
When it comes to success in life or business, we know we need to know what we want. But how do we go from a dream to real life? How does an aspiration become a success? In this podcast, I discuss the power of vision with best-selling author and successful businessman Michael Hyatt, and how vision precedes resources, directs alignment and execution, reduces unnecessary stress at work and at home, and leads to long-term success.
Podcast Time Highlights
2:18 How Michael became a leadership mentor
4:25 What is the difference between an opportunity and a distraction?
7:07 What do you do when you encounter resistance?
10:00 What is a vision script?
18:58 How to become a more effective leader
27:05 The hustle fallacy
31:19 How to create a vision script
37:00 Why you need to give yourself permission to rest
39:40 The value of play
45:00 Don’t let your work become your identity
47:55 Why vision is a process, not a statement
55:15 How to talk to a boss/manager about mental health
Read the full show blog and transcript: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/why-having-a-vision-for-your-business-can-save-you-hours-of-stress-and-anxiety-tips-on-how-to-craft-an-effective-and-sustainable-vision-for-your-life-and-business-with-michael-hyatt
For more info on Michael: http://michaelhyatt.com
To get Michael's new book: http://visiondrivenleader.com/drcaroline
And follow him on social media: @michaelhyatt #visiondrivenleader
Special offers from our sponsors:
-Ritual (my favorite multivitamins): To get 10% off your first three months of Ritual multivitamins see: https://ritual.com/drleaf
-Theragun (the best way to recover from muscle injuries and discomfort): To get 2 free attachments with your Theragun purchase see: https://theragun.com/leaf
Additional Resources:
Get my new 21 day brain detox program here: https://theswitch.app
Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 4/30: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
If you enjoyed this episode please leave a 5 review on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you are listening! And don't forget to subscribe and share this podcast with friends and family! I love seeing your posts on social media! For podcast sponsorship inquiries, questions regarding the episode, or topic suggestions please email dominique@drleaf.com

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
In this episode I interview epidemiologist and GI specialist Dr. Will Bulsiewicz on all things Coronavirus. Dr. Will debunks misinformation, shares some helpful tips on how to protect yourself, what to do if you think you have the virus, how we should be handling the situation, how to boost your immune system, what's the deal on finding a vaccine, and so much more!
Podcast Highlights:
-4:22 Why knowledge is power
-6:28 Where did this all begin?
-7:40 Why is COVID-19 spreading so fast?
-11:13 Why you can infect people even if you feel fine
-12:27 Why this is different to the 2003 SARS epidemic
-13:23 What are the symptoms we need to look out for?
-14:48 Flattening the curve
-16:30 Why social distancing is saving lives
-17:11 Our hospitals do not have enough resources
-19:43 Why are things so different in South Korea?
-24:10 Why we need to test, test, test!
-25:32 How is COVID-19 transmitted?
-27:38 Why everyone is talking about hand washing
-29:40 The best places to find information about COVID-19
-30:56 Should we all be using masks?
-32:52 Why we shouldn’t just rely on herd immunity
-34:54 How close are we to a vaccine?
-39:00 Why COVID-19 is not just like the flu
-42:40 Why you should act as if you carry COVID-19
-43:11 Why you can still get COVID-19 if you are young and don’t have a preexisting condition
-45:50 Children can get sick too
-46:30 Possible treatments for COVID-19
-50:38 How do we test for the virus?
-52:00 If I think I have COVID-19, what should I do?
-54:02 If you are feeling unwell at home, what can you do?
-58:35 How to handle being quarantined at home with your family
-58:43 Will this go away when the weather gets warmer?
-59:00 Advice to medical professionals working on the frontlines
-1:00:32 How panic affects our immune system
-1:02:10 How can you build your immune system?
-1:03:05 The importance of gut health for immunity
For more info on Dr. Will visit: https://theplantfedgut.com
For the most up-to-date info:

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Many people around the world are currently stuck at home, which can be difficult under the best of circumstances. Yet what happens if you have young children? What happens when the schools are closed, you have to work and everyone is at home, frustrated, scared and uncertain as to how long this situation will last? In this week’s blog and podcast, I speak to child psychologist, parenting coach, author of The Tantrum Survival Guide: Tune In to Your Toddler's Mind (and Your Own) to Calm the Craziness and Make Family Fun Again, founder of Little House Calls and mother of two young boys Dr. Rebecca Schrag Hershberg on parenting during the pandemic, tips on how to help your children deal with changes in routines, missed milestones, anxiety and fear, and mental health strategies for parents.
Podcast Time Highlights
-7:00 Why Rebecca loves children
-9:30 Why we need to be the grown-ups in the room
-11:18 How do we manage disrupted routines?
-12:35 Discipline in context
-16:50 Should we still celebrate birthdays?
-19:33 Play, Play, Play
-22:35 How to keep your kids busy
-28:20 How to teach your children coping strategies
-31:27 Should you answer coronavirus questions?
-35:00 Why it is okay to say you don’t know
-36:48 What to do when you need help too
-38:17 How to speak to your children about finances
-42:42 How to protect your own mental health
-46:00 Rupture and repair: why we all fail
-50:37 How to deal with regression and baby play
-53:39 How to help your teenager
For more information on Dr. Rebecca visit: https://littlehousecalls.com/

Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
We are surrounded by information, and many of us know what we need to do to be healthier, so why don’t we do it? Why is there such a disconnect between information and implementation? Can we learn to make better decisions? In this week’s blog and podcast, I discuss why we often make poor choices with doctors David and Austin Perlmutter, and how we can overcome the curse of instant gratification and technology addiction, detox our brains and live happier lives.
Podcast Time Highlights
-5:19 What is mental hijacking?
-8:50 The disconnection syndrome
-11:40 Why is empathy so important?
-14:05 How do we take back control of our mind?
-20:40 How instant gratification damages the brain
-33:55 Inflammation and depressive thinking: is there a link?
-41:10 Narcissism and the plague of tribalism
-54:25 How to work with family
-59:00 How to raise successful, smart and healthy children
-1:01:37 Current wellness trends: the good, the bad and the ugly
Read the full episode transcript and blog here: https://drleaf.com/blogs/news/why-we-make-poor-decisions-tips-to-overcome-the-curse-of-instant-gratification-technology-addiction-and-how-to-detox-our-brains-with-dr-david-and-austin-perlmutter
For more info on Dr. David and Andrew Perlmutter visit: https://www.drperlmutter.com/
To order their book Brain Wash visit: https://brainwashbook.com/
And follow them on social media:
Special offers from our sponsors:
-ThirdLove Bras (the most comfortable bras you will ever own!): To get 15% off your ThirdLove Bra order see: https://www.thirdlove.com/drleaf
-Liquid I.V Electrolytes (great for hydration, concentration, and recovery): Get 25% off with code DRLEAF at checkout https://liquid-iv.com
Additional resources:
Get my new 21 day brain detox program here: https://theswitch.app
Register now for my 2020 Mental Health Summit Dec 3-5 in Dallas, TX! Early bird sale ends 3/31: https://www.drleafconference.com
Visit my website at https://drleaf.com for more free resources, tips, and tools to help you improve and heal your mental health! And be sure to sign up for my weekly newsletter to get even more mental self-care tips delivered to your inbox weekly and to see my upcoming events (you can sign up at drleaf.com!)
Follow me on social media for daily mental self-care tips!
-Instagram: @drcarolineleaf: https://www.instagram.com/drcarolineleaf/
-Facebook: Dr. Caroline Leaf: https://www.facebook.com/drleaf
-Twitter: @drcarolineleaf: https://twitter.com/DrCarolineLeaf
-Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/drcarolineleaf
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